Turmeric- The Spice that Helps Relieves Stress, Depression and Anxiety. BONUS: Recipe for Golden Milk

Need a warm, cozy beverage that compliments your #quarantine chic? Or maybe one that helps relieve or mitigates damage that stress has on the body? Or how about one that relieves some stress and anxiety? I have one that checks all the boxes. Golden milk is one for the ages, and it’s got some amazing anti-inflammatory goodness…

Inflammation and Why It Matters

Do you know what it does to the body or what causes it? If we’ve learned nothing else during this pandemic, it’s important to keep our health at a premium. Not just now, but for the long run. Inflammation is something we can minimize by being aware and making a few changes. Inflammation can be…

Job Search Tips to Keep Your Stress and Anxiety Low

Wanna stay healthy and stress less in a job search? Searching for a job, even in the best of times, can be fraught with anxiety. As many are gearing up for a job search, it’s imperative to take steps to care for yourself to lessen anxiety and stress to stay healthy to nail those interviews.  …


We all have one, but do you know what it’s for? It’s a little butterfly shaped endocrine (ie hormone) gland that sits in your throat & has a big job. This small but mighty organ produces thyroid hormone, regulates body temperature, metabolism, heart rate and other vital functions in the body. It’s imperative that we…

Sunday Scaries

Looking back on your weekend longingly? Are anxiety, worry, grief & fear jumping into your Sunday Funday when you think about work on Monday? I remember it well. Below are a few acupressure points, stretches & 🧘🏻‍♀️ poses to help. Anxiety & fear is associate w. the bladder & kidneys. Open up the bottoms of…


What is cupping? You’ve seen people sporting those cool red marks on their bodies, and you’ve wondered wtf it is, wtf it does and why the f they do it? I love it and it is usually part of my weekly acupuncture routine. Cupping is a therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine (#TCM) in which heated…


What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a form of treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (#TCM) that involves an acupuncturist, someone who goes through intense schooling and certification, inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points (350!) along the meridian lines on the body, to various depths. The goal is to balance the energy…


Jobs #TBT– 📸taken on my last day @Twitter, a right of passage for exiting employees: take, tweet & use #lovewhereyouworked. I did until I didn’t. This wasn’t the only job where I’d experienced this. It was the sum of my corporate experience. I didn’t want to admit something wasn’t working or look @ patterns that were coming…


Inflammation Hot topic. Do you know why, what it does to the body or what causes it? Inflammation can be good. Wait, what? Our white blood cells & their bi-products are caped crusaders that provide protection from infection. However, auto-immune diseases like Celiac &Hashimotos cause the body to attack healthy tissues as if they’re infected…

Office Tips – Lunch at Your Desk – Stress Management

Office- Lunch at Your Desk Who falls into the trap of sitting at our desks while eating lunch? 🙋🏻‍♀️The age old conundrum. Articles advise “try to step away for 30 mins or enjoy lunch outside”. While a fan of that advice, I’m no stranger to a crazy day in the office where lunch at your…