3 Acupressure Points to Relieve Stress & Anxiety

Last night’s “debate” was, as @DanabaschCNN so delicately called it a “shit show”.  Anxiety was through the roof for so many.  I scrolled twitter and IG, and everyone was consuming copious amounts of wine (no judgement here!)  In addition to coping with wine, I wanted to provide 3 easy to do anxiety busting acupressure points…

Changing Careers & My Culinary School Anniversary

Time flies when you’re having fun right? Hard to believe that 11 years ago today I started culinary school @thenaturalgourmetinstitute. CTP 177!  What was a hobby move turned out to be one of the best experiences. I affectionately call it hippie school.  Little did I know what to expect, what I would learn or be…

Job Search Tips to Keep Your Stress and Anxiety Low

Wanna stay healthy and stress less in a job search? Searching for a job, even in the best of times, can be fraught with anxiety. As many are gearing up for a job search, it’s imperative to take steps to care for yourself to lessen anxiety and stress to stay healthy to nail those interviews.  …

4 Mindset Shifts to Help you Through a Layoff

Layoffs are part of everyday life in the current economic climate. A layoff, or reduction in force, is about business need, not employee performance. This is one of the hardest things to endure and reconcile. Feelings can range from anger to grief and everything in between. I’ve been laid off. I’ve laid people off. In…

How’s The Health of Your Resume?

There’s so much talk about physical & mental wellness, but have you considered the health of your resume lately? I don’t normally talk about job health, but it’s an important part of your life: whether you’re happy or stressed will impact your overall wellbeing. I’m a former HR professional, a trained chef, a yoga instructor…

Working From Home – Some Tips to Help you Succeed

I’ve been thinking about what I want to do and how I want to respond to this world and the new normal we live in as things shift so quickly. We are living in ambiguity and among the 50 shades of grey that have nothing to do BDSM. There are professions that have never before…